Is your audience tired of feeling stuck—juggling financial stress, running out of money before the month ends, or struggling to launch or grow a successful business? Trudy Chester is here to guide them to the other side. As a Certified Ramsey Solutions Master Preferred Financial Coach and a dynamic business coach, Trudy specializes in helping new graduates, professionals, and entrepreneurs take control of their finances and businesses. Her passion lies in eliminating debt, breaking through emotional and psychological money blocks, and empowering her clients to build healthier financial habits and thriving enterprises. Whether she’s coaching clients on strategic money management or guiding business owners to create sustainable growth, Trudy provides the tools and personalized strategies they need to succeed.
Beyond one-on-one coaching, Trudy shines as a keynote speaker, captivating audiences with her energy and actionable insights to transform their relationship with money and their approach to business. Whether the dream is retiring early, buying a first home, or scaling a business to new heights, Trudy delivers the inspiration and strategies to make it happen. When she’s not empowering others, you’ll find Trudy dancing to her favorite tunes or lost in a great book.
Did you know around 47% of parents provide financial assistance to their adult children?
In this presentation, audiences will learn how to give tough love, how to stop enabling their adult children, and how to enforce healthy boundaries—all so they can have financial freedom and save for their retirement.
This exciting talk will relieve audiences of their guilt and inspire them to prioritize their financial future.
Did you know the average federal student loan debt is $37,853 and outstanding private student loan debt totals $128.8 billion?
In this article, audiences will learn how to graduate debt free, develop money habits that will prepare them for a great financial future, and discover how to budget and invest so their money works for them—not against them.
This exciting article will empower college students to improve their financial literacy so they have a bright future and can live a rich, fulfilling life.
Did you know that 56% of Americans can’t afford a $1,000 emergency?
In this presentation, audiences will learn how to build an initial emergency fund and turn it into a three- to six-month emergency fund, create (and use!) a budget so their money isn’t slipping out of their hands, and make their money work for them.
This actionable talk will show audiences how saving and investing now can lead to a bright, stress-free financial future.
Trudy Chester (she/her) is a Certified Ramsey Solutions Master Preferred Financial Coach, dynamic business coach, and professional speaker. She is available for keynote presentations, workshops, media interviews, and spokesperson opportunities. Her quick wit, charm, and sense of humor inspire and empower audiences worldwide. Download Trudy’s media kit, schedule an interview, or book her for your stage today!